LEGION Simulator Help

Setting the length of Entity Trails

When tracking Entities, displaying their trails can help visualize their progress through models and identify trends and problems with their journeys. Sometimes, however, the trails can provide too much information. For example, you may find it useful to see where Entities have just been, rather than where they've been over the last half hour. You can set the length (meaning how many time-steps are visualised) of Entity Trails in Tools > Options.

To set the length of Entity Trails:

  1. Select Tools > Options > Entity Trail Options.
  2. In the 'Entity Trail Length' box, select one of these options:
    • Unlimited (entire trail will be shown for each tracked Entity).
    • Not more than n steps (enter a number directly into the box or click the up and down arrows to change the value – holding a click for longer will accelerate the progress of numbers in either direction).
  3. Click Apply or OK to save your changes.